If you are a parent, sometimes you may wonder if your kids have come from space. If you are a student, your teachers may be old-fashioned. In this fast pace world, it is sometimes hard to keep up between generations. Of course, keeping up with technology is also difficult for many due to its rapid changes and developments. Let’s review the latest statistics and data from Newzoo regarding these changes and get more information about the world of media and entertainment.
The Changes in Media Attitudes
The reports show that people spend nearly 12 hours per week on video games and virtual worlds.

As you see in the figure above, video-sharing platforms have the highest levels of engagement compared to other categories. So we can assume that people nowadays don’t just want to be fed; they want to take action and be seen.
The mobile empire
After the silver screen, the era of TV is also getting over. Based on the reports of Newzoo, Millennials have stopped watching TV! They are all on their phones: Games, movies, and even friends. We don’t want to get inside the egg and hen controversy, to understand whether we are changing the media or the big companies and technology are changing our tastes. The point is that the winner is the company that catches the tastes, gets along with it, and is also flexible to changes. Doesn’t matter if it is a tech company or an advertising holding.
Whether we like it or not, we live in the mobile empire era. The figure below shows that 73% of people use mobile for social media & video-sharing platforms. This data is vital for content production, to put the content in the right structure, the right medium in the right way.

Where ever is entertainment, there is gaming
The increasing number of gamers worldwide has led different companies to pay more attention to them. Today gaming is not only a leisure activity; it is a way of living and, of course, making a living. Vanoss Gaming has 26 million subscribers to his game-themed channel on YouTube. And HBO’s “The Last of Us” series, based on the popular game of the same name, has become a hit. And not to forget that based on the latest data, Gen Z spends more time engaging with games and virtual worlds than watching TV.
The increasing price of gaming consoles and the latest smartphone technologies has led to many mobile games. That will increase the number of total gamers across the globe. Gaming is now becoming the pioneering entertainment form for many generations. As we mentioned above, the audience wants more engagement and attention. Game streaming and online playing are popular ways to meet this desire. Gaming has a variety of ways. Some of them are consuming, playing, reading, watching, and creating content. Again, the more active forms, such as playing, reading, and creating gaming content, are more popular.

The mixture of gaming, going to concerts, shopping, and socializing
What if they were all in one place? All the entertainment, friends, sports? Fortnite is created with this idea. As of October 2022, nearly 200 million players played Fortnite on console or PC, with millions more on mobile. In Fortnite, not only can you play games, but you also attend Ariana Grande concerts or shop at Ralph Lauren.
Remember, sports need to come to this space as well. People like to engage with others in different types of entertainment, and sports are a famous way to do that. The mixture of video games and sports as popular entertainment will lead to Esports.

The Metaverse: The World, You Make
The wide acceptance of Fortnite, the technology, and its trial and error, have paved the path for the metaverse. Unlike our virtual spaces, you have more options to interact and socialize with others in the metaverse. With the emphasis on engagement, the metaverse gives us the whole package.

Do you want to play games? There are many gaming companies in the metaverse, that provide gaming content for you. Maybe you want to see the latest Manchester United match but can’t afford to go to the stadium. Join the match through metaverse. And of course, if you are looking for a way to make money, through cryptocurrency, you can make trades here. At last, if you miss your friend in another country, just take a walk with them in a virtual world. A limitless world, created by you, to live the way you want.
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Source: Newzoo