Overcoming the Challenges: Key Issues Cloud Gaming Must Address

3 min readAug 7, 2024


Cloud gaming is advancing rapidly and is ready to take over the world. But what are its challenges, and how can they be resolved? Keep reading this article as we delve deeper into this topic.

Internet and Cloud Gaming Infrastructure

The first major issue with cloud gaming is paradoxical: it has nothing to do with it and is its most significant problem. Cloud games run on servers, and users connect to these servers via the Internet. Developing and improving network infrastructure is primarily the responsibility of Internet service providers, but governments also play a crucial role in supporting projects to build and upgrade these infrastructures. The internet’s vital role in the penetration rate of cloud gaming services cannot be ignored. The lack of high-speed, quality internet access remains the biggest obstacle to experiencing seamless cloud gaming.

However, the widespread adoption of 5G or extensive use of fiber optics will gradually alleviate internet-related issues, paving the way for a more reliable cloud gaming experience.

Ownership of Cloud Games and Gamers’ Common Beliefs

Not too long ago, purchasing a game disc was all a gamer needed to do. Later, digital game purchases emerged. Thanks to subscription services, buying a game has become a luxury now! This shift in the perception of buying and owning games dates back to the era of digital games. But what happens to purchased games if an online game store shuts down?

This issue extends to physical games as well. If you buy an online game in a physical format, you can only play it as long as the servers are up. Thus, whether digital or physical, games are gradually slipping out of our ownership. For years, gamers have been losing their ownership rights over the games they play. And let’s not forget that gamers, like everyone else, are often reluctant to try new things.

Fortunately, the spread of services like Netflix, Spotify, and other film and music platforms (or even hotel bookings, and other shared services) has made this perception more reasonable. This view no longer resembles an irrational ideology from the era of communist aristocrats ruling half the world. People understand it more easily now and will eventually realize that game ownership is not necessarily lost. Instead, they will choose the type of service they receive based on their needs and preferences.

Variety and List of Cloud Games

A perfect illustration of the importance of a game catalog for a hardware platform is the saying: “A console, no matter how powerful, belongs in the depths of history without good games.” Sony and Xbox subscription services currently try to exaggerate their unfair advantage with exclusive games.

When expecting users to abandon traditional gaming methods, a company must present a compelling selling point. After all, they are encouraging players to embrace not one but two unconventional gaming approaches: subscription-based and cloud gaming.

As a result, the addition and removal of games from these services has become critical. Fans are thrilled with each high-quality game added to the catalog. However, when games leave the cloud gaming services, the disappointment often outweighs the initial excitement. The absence of post-release content exacerbates this issue. Typically, only the base version of each game is included in the cloud service catalog, and it rarely receives any post-launch updates.

Arium: Revolutionizing Gaming with Earnings and Inclusive Cross-Play

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Arium democratizes earnings through skillsets and proof of play, rewarding all abilities equally. Leveraging cloud gaming technology, Arium ensures a cheat-free environment, while advanced matchmaking provides balanced and enjoyable competition, making finding opponents easier and intensifying the gaming experience.

Embracing Web3, Arium enhances user experience with user-friendly onboarding, secure payment infrastructure, and reduced transaction costs. It fosters community engagement and empowers users to navigate an interconnected gaming universe effortlessly.

Arium is the game-changer the industry needs, transforming the gaming landscape and creating a vibrant, inclusive, and rewarding platform for all gamers. Sign up now at arium.gg and embrace the future of gaming.

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Arium is the first cloud-based esports and multiplayer gaming platform enabling casual gamers to earn cash while competing in their favorite games.