Konami released eFootball PES 2021 as a seasonal update so that they could spend more time on the development of the new version. Everybody was waiting for PES 22, and the result was not what we expected. The moment the game came out, users started posting their feedback on Steam. mostly negative. Why? Let’s find out…
PES 22 all the bugs and problems
Where can we start? The AI system is not good and if you are lucky, the players will have the right placement in the defense line. Also, attackers don’t have good escapes at all, and they can’t create space for other players. In addition, many bugs and strange behavior of the players make a pass difficult. Dribbles sometimes become surprising and create strange scenes. Also, the tackles, movements of the wingers, and their confrontation with the side defenses are sometimes weird.

Players’ crosses are not good at all. The combination of strategy and tactics, which has been one of the positive points of the PES collection in these years, is not that good in PES 22. A large part of that is because, in the new version, you can only use five different styles to play. So, you shouldn’t expect your team to do exactly what you want here.
PES 2022 creators increased the weight of the ball too much to slow down the game so that you feel like you are kicking the wheel of a truck instead of a soccer ball. Even the shots do not have the necessary impact, and the best shooters like Lewandowski do not send very powerful shots toward the goals. The eFootball 2022 referee is one of the worst referees in the history of the PES series, so most of the clear fouls are not caught.

PES 22 improvements
In the eFootball 2022, the sensitivity of the R2 button has been used effectively. The more you press this button, the further your player will throw the ball. This will allow you to pass the opponent’s defenders. This jerky movement will give you a really good feeling. Also, if you press the L2 button at the right time, you can block the movement of your opponent’s wingers very well. In this case, the defending player puts himself between the opponent player and the ball, which prevents the attack beautifully.
Konami has shown a better, more reliable, and more effective performance in shooting in PES 22 than FIFA 22. In this version, just like other works of the PES franchise, Peter Drury and Jim Beglin play the role of reporters and commentators. It is easier to score goals from headers. Headers in PES 2021 did not help you at all, and it was too difficult to score in this way, but in eFootball 2022 this problem has been solved, and Headshots can help you much more than before.

PES 2022 Visual effects
Leroy Sane’s face is well-designed, Bukayo Saka has a very natural face, and Joshua Kimmich can be considered a digital version of Madame Tussauds’ art. But facial expressions are not good at all. The faces of the players sometimes become strange and even scare you. Just pay attention to the faces of the players in the replays. Their terrifying eyes will shock you. If you are active on social networks, you have seen the memes made from PES 22.
It is not only the players, if you see the fans in the stadium, you will also burst out laughing. The lighting and grass design are not very satisfactory, and it is not at all up to the level of Konami’s promises.
The animation of running, passing, shooting, and in general everything that the players do during the game is not that bad, but various bugs make even these animations not look the way they should. The scenes before the game, such as the players getting off the bus and going to the locker room, their conversations in the locker room, and warming up before the game, are attractively placed in the game and are considered a positive change for this series.

PES 22 a yay or a nay?
As much as the free eFootball 2022 made fans skeptical, Konami’s use of Unreal Engine kept our hope alive to expect something special. Of course, it wasn’t what we expected. But after all, when you love soccer, and if you are a PES fan, you will give it a try at least to laugh at the strange face of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Play PES 2022 on your laptop, with friends
Have you ever thought about playing soccer on your smartphone? What about your laptop or even TV? If you want to play soccer with your friends anywhere, anytime, on any device, RivalArium cloud gaming service is your choice. No need for a high-tech system or to buy the game. You can play PESS 2022 through RivalArium website.
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